Check out how to use RADEA.IO to setup your instance, and track and trace your items.

RADEA.IO APP Quick Guide
RADEA.IO APP is a track and trace and inventory tool for handheld devices used with RADEA.IO. Check out how to use RADEA.IO APP..

Email Support Team
Contact our support team support@radea.io to get professional supports for any technical issues.

Smart Device Control Software
Smart Device Control Software enables users to retrieve information from RFID devices, including IP addresses and serial numbers.

RFID Readers
Our RFID readers provide automated visibility on goods that enter, move internally within, and leave your facilities. Explore comprehensive reader specifications and detailed user manuals here.

The RADEA.IO API allows a software developer to create a custom dashboard, user interface or even a totally new application, all this independent of the default RADEA.IO web user interface.